How it works?

Step by step guide on how Nameyan can help you succeed in your life.


Achieve your career goals with industry-recognized learning paths. 

Advanced Backend Development in Java + Spring MVC

10 months

1-1 Mentorship & Job Support

Front end

Advance Web Development in React Js

10 months

1-1 Mentorship & Job Support


Advance Application Development in React Native

10 months

1-1 Mentorship & Job Support


Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Machine Learning

10 months

1-1 Mentorship & Job Support

Key Highlights of the Program

200+ Hours of Learning
15+ Case Studies, Assignments and Quizzes
Multiple hands-on sessions
High Performance Coaching(1:1)
Personalised Industry Based Training
Group Coaching Sessions
Mentorship Calls
Networking Opportunities
Expert Live Sessions
On Job Training

The Nameyan Learning Advantage 

Change happens at a breakneck speed in the area of software development. Every day, new tools, apps, and products are introduced to the market, along with dozens of languages and frameworks to learn. With high-quality Mobile and Software Development courses, Nameyan enables you to ace these advanced skills.

Learning Support

  • Live interactive sessions with top industry experts covering curriculum and advanced topics
  • Personalized Industry Sessions led by industry experts in small groups (of 10-12) to supplement program curriculum with tailored industry-based learning.  


Practical Learning Approach

  • Technical experts monitor a live discussion forum for peer-to-peer doubt resolution.
  • Walkthroughs of industry-driven projects in the lab
  • Weekly doubt-clearing sessions in real time.


Career Assistance

  • Receive personalised feedback and mentoring from an experienced industry expert to help you achieve your goals.
  • After the programme, hire a dedicated career coach to help you track your career goals, coach you on your profile, and support you throughout your career transition journey.
  • Gain access to industry experts and discuss any questions you may have before your interview. 


Our Partners

Companies that hire our alumni

Course Fees

There are no upfront costs to attend Nameyan; we only get paid when you do.
You pay us back 10% of your monthly income until you reach a $10,000 cap. 
$0 Upfront

You do not have to pay anything to join Nameyan, regardless of your country of residence or citizenship.

10% Income

After completing the programme and obtaining a job paying at least $1,000 USD per month, you pay Nameyan 10% of your monthly salary until you reach a $12,000 

There are more ways of paying your fees. please see all the available plans

Application Process

Starting is the hardest part. We’re here to help you every step of the way.